Integrated Report 2023 has been published

Aug. 1, 2023

On August 1, 2023, I-PEX Inc. published its Integrated Report for the fiscal year 2023.

The purpose of the report is to provide shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders with an easy-to-understand introduction to the I-PEX Group's business activities, medium- to long-term management strategies, and ESG initiatives, and to deepen their understanding of our story of achieving sustainable growth and value creation.


For the second edition, we will introduce the “Value Creation Process” which explains clearly how we create value for our customers and Society by valuing our strengths under the CI and through our medium- to long-term strategies. The new report also includes an outlook on efforts to create innovation, information on the establishment of the Sustainability Policy and Sustainability Committee, as well as an introduction to initiatives to assess each of our points of Materiality, including targets for CO2 emissions reductions and a goal for the ratio of female managers in Japan.


We will continue to promote constructive dialogue with our stakeholders and further enhance our corporate value through a variety of information dissemination.

Integrated Report 2023